Browse publications
Sacred Spaces
People who claim spaces as sacred are usually referring to mountains covered in snow-dusted firs or ocean waters that received them in their brokenness and led them back to their unshattered selves. -
This is a Body
This is a body / You can touch me / I am organic matter / moving constantly. -
Hard Feelings
The big clock on town hall marks the hour, the bells inside ringing and ringing. -
What Used to Be
Most of the time I can avoid looking at my left breast — or whatever it’s called now — but when I do, I see the little red capillaries above and below the seven-inch scar snaking from my sternum up into my armpit. -
River Queen • You’d Like To Keep It Casual / Preview of A Slasher
On a day I am walking with my cane / in Starbucks / the lady behind me inquires, / from her wheelchair, / if I am recently disabled. -
What Happened
He calls you makhtesh, a word he tells you means the expanse of the universe. -
The Surgeon
It is the spring of 2007, and I have traded in my solitude for friendship. -
The Value of Fat
I’ve been a plus-size beauty vlogger for the past two years, but I’ve been fat my whole life. Except for the day I was born. -
And They Said It Would Be Divine
It breaks like this: We hold on tightly, and literally, because we’re young and we’re stupid and because we still want to have hope. -
The Privilege is All Mine
Seeing Dolores walk in, or someone who looked like a Dolores (he’d had more than a few since clocking out) -
Blue Before Dark
For six days after the operation, everything was blue. -
I'm sitting with Larry at a Chipotle in midtown and his thousand-yard stare tells me I might dial the nihilism down a notch. -
Jersey City Poems
A swirl of trash – / I’m dodging it. / A gust of nasty wind. / Now you’re about to be / even more remote.