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  • The Cost of Waiting

    What are we even waiting for, and where is the line between resting, recuperating, giving up, and irresponsible avoidance?
  • Proximities

    What are we as humans surrounded by — do we choose to surround ourselves with — and how do we situate ourselves within language?
  • How do we get back to the root of things — how can we pull up the weeds in our work to make space for new growth?

    Root Systems

    How do we get back to the root of things — how can we pull up the weeds in our work to make space for new growth?
  • Economies of Harm

    What hard truths do you need to examine about our current systems so you can see yourself more expansively in your own honesty?
  • Rebellious Joy

    How do we claim the kind of joy that creates a rupture for passage through all the horror and despair?
  • Before After

    To deconstruct something is not to destroy it, but to understand how it was built, part by part; what can our new narratives teach us about the reality that’s been there all along?
  • Actionable Storytelling

    What exactly are the breaking points that force us to seek a fresh point of reference, to steer ourselves in the collective direction of healing?
  • Willful Innocence

    How can we learn from moments of failing so that our anger, grief, and shame can propel us toward conversations and healing?
  • What We Lose

    Are there times where we can’t compromise our beliefs because to do so would be to forfeit the core of our beings?
  • Power And

    Who holds power in our spheres of influence and why? Can we control power, both in others and within ourselves?
  • In Opposition

    How do we tackle conflicts of belief, and make the best use of them as a tool for understanding?
  • Dangerous Bodies

    Who gets to define safety and fear, security and terror? Who can we trust to tell us when, where, and how we are safe?
  • Artificial Realities

    Who can we trust to convey information to us, and how much are we actually willing to accept truths that counter our own realities?
  • You Are Politics

    Politics is where we wake up — it is the hope that the structure that exists around us is not actively trying to destroy us.
  • Who Gets to Belong?

    Who gets to belong? Who gets to decide? Why belong? What is worth belonging to?