Sarah Ghazal Ali is a Pakistani writer born and raised in the Northeast. An MFA Fellow, Juniper Fellow, and Best of the Net nominee, she is a third-year MFA candidate in Poetry at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She teaches both introductory composition and creative writing. Her poems have appeared or will soon appear in Palette Poetry, Memorious, Narrative, Tinderbox, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Waxwing, and Wildness, among others. She currently lives in California and is drawn like a moth to all things green and growing. Much of this past year was spent misting her houseplants, learning to identify local trees, and playing inordinate amounts of Animal Crossing.
We’re all on the grassy patch of land east of Christ the King, our school, with our uniform plaid skirts hiked, wearing way too much lip-gloss and not enough deodorant.
“We keep beginning again and again because we understand that this work is not a luxury; it is readying the soil for what our community intuitively knows can grow here.”