huiyin zhou

Born and raised in the industrial hub of Dongguan, China, huiyin zhou 徽音 is a transnational queer feminist organizer and community-based photographer, writer, multimedia artist and cultural producer. They are based in Durham, NC and NYC. They work with digital and analog photography, text, installation, and performance with a relational, reciprocal praxis. Creating with intimate and tender sensibilities, huiyin explores themes related to queer feminism, intimacy, memory, diaspora, and community building. huiyin co-founded and co-directs Chinese Artists and Organizers (CAO) Collective离离草. They have been awarded fellowships and residencies at Pedantic Art, CulturePush, Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions, Durham Art Guild, The Seventh Wave, and BRIClab: Contemporary Art. Find their work at: positions: asia critique, The Seventh Wave, Scholar & Feminist Online, The Common, Tupelo Quarterly, Apogee, Irrelevant Press, Massachusetts Review, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Sine Theta Magazine, and unCoVer Initiative. huiyin's featured image credit to Cynthia Liu.

Read work by huiyin zhou

  • polaroid picture of two people, one wearing purple and hands in air cheering, other in black laughing behind them, with handwriting on sides of polaroid

    Intimate Encounters 一期一会

    Community Anthologies
    “Aren’t we like this seedling? Constantly budding through a land that has been broken into pieces.”
  • On Intimacies 缘份

    “yuán fèn is more elusive than the definitive and static qualities of a noun or a label. It is a way of thinking and living in relations with others.”

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