Born and raised in the industrial hub of Dongguan, China, huiyin zhou 徽音 is a transnational queer feminist organizer and community-based photographer, writer, translator and multimedia artist. They are based in Durham, NC and NYC. They work with digital and analog photography, text, installation, and performance. Photographing with intimate and tender sensibilities, huiyin explores themes related to queer feminism, intimacy, memory, diaspora, and community and approaches photography with a relational, reciprocal praxis. huiyin’s 300-page prose collection 北极时间 was published by Shanghai Lit & Art Press in 2019. Their works have been published by Scholar & Feminist Online (forthcoming), Apogee, Irrelevant Press, Massachusetts Review, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Sine Theta Magazine, and unCoVer Initiative. They also served as an editor for unCoVer Initiative (2020-21) and was editor-in-chief for Margins (2021-23). Other than photography and writing, huiyin co-founded and co-direct a queer feminist art and activist collective, Chinese Artists and Organizers (CAO) Collective. They are a 2024-25 resident at Durham Art Guild and a 2023-24 resident at BRIClab: Contemporary Art Disability Artistry as a co-leading artist for CAO.
huiyin's photo was taken by Toby Tenebaum