Erin L. McCoy

Erin L. McCoy’s poetry collection, Wrecks, is forthcoming from Noemi Press and is a finalist for the Noemi Book Award. Erin’s poetry and fiction have been published or are forthcoming in the American Poetry Review, Narrative, Bennington Review, Conjunctions, Pleiades, and other publications. Her work has appeared in the Best New Poets anthology twice, selected by Natalie Diaz and Kaveh Akbar, and she was a finalist for the Missouri Review’s 2021 Miller Audio Prize. Erin is an assistant poetry editor at Narrative, a proofreader at Penguin Random House, and acquisitions editor for Seattle-based independent publisher Entre Ríos Books. She holds an MFA in creative writing and an MA in Spanish and Latin American literature from the University of Washington. She is from Louisville, Kentucky.

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