Marianne Manzler

Marianne Manzler is a Filipina-American writer, educator, and freelancer based in Denver, Colorado. Currently, she’s working on a book of narrative essays that explore and challenge the bonds of a tight-knit family in the face of distance, secrecy, and illness. She has received funding and writing awards from the Vermont Studio Center, Lighthouse Writers Workshop, the Fulbright Program, and Kenyon Review Writers Workshop. In 2019, she received her MFA in Creative Writing from University of Washington, where she was awarded the Eugene Van Buren Prize for Fiction and held the distinguished Grace Milliman Pollock fellowship. Her debut print essay “On the Making of a Mumu” is forthcoming in Fourth Genre this fall.

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  • Rupture

    The Magazine
    The first time I watched you kill a fish, you were methodical and emotionless, striking it in one blow.

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