Headshot of Tina Lentz-McMillan

Tina Lentz-McMillan

Tina Lentz-McMillan is a Filipina/-American/Mestiza poet whose poetry centers on mixed identity. She has an MFA from Queens University of Charlotte and has poetry in Crab Creek Review, River City College MUSE, Oroboro by Death Rattle Literary, Sky Island Journal, and (forthcoming in) Windward Review among others. She lives in the unceded lands of the Tohono O'odham and Pascua Yaqui Tribe, also known as Tucson, Arizona, with her husband and their two dogs, cat, and a bird.

Read work by Tina Lentz-McMillan

  • “Object Permanence” and Other Poems

    Community Anthologies
    In her dazzling suite of text poems, image poems, and art, Tina Lentz-McMillan designates the negative space in every page as an intimate collaborator in her story. Her speaker is an un-silenced witness: of obsession, desire, and the ache of longing—and of what (and who) lives on even in the liminal territory of erasure.

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