
hú-tu (Laura 嘟嘟 & huiyin zhou) is an artist duo with backgrounds in social practice and anthropology, working across moving image, photography, performance, and collaborative writing. Since 2020, huiyin and Laura have collaborated over 30 performances and three installations exploring diasporic queer identity, family memory, generational trauma, and collective grief through ritualistic and community-centered format. Dedicated to multidisciplinary art and transnational organizing, Laura and huiyin co-direct the Chinese Artists and Organizers (CAO) Collective 离离草 and the Survivors Anchoring Art Narrative Garden (SAANG Project 春风吹), a co-creative, imaginative land for sexual and racial abuse survivors. hú-tu creates spaces of co-living and collective rest to (re)imagine and (re)learn intimacy and collective survival. Working with material, affective, residual, and conceptual presences, their works speak on/into the potential of intimate knowledge production. Responding to each others’ dream journals and familial photo/video archives, they currently focus on the practice of home and home-making through a diasporic queer lens.

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