Jules Chung

Jules Chung is a former lawyer who is obsessed with families and the border between intimacy and friction. She is currently an assistant prose editor at The Seventh Wave. Gender, mothering, and faith have been her central themes. Her work has been supported by the Sewanee Writers’ Conference, the One Story Writers’ Conference, T Kira Madden at Hedgebrook, VONA, and The Cabins Retreat. Her stories have been published in places including The Seventh Wave, Catapult, Chestnut Review, Jellyfish Review, Lumiere Review, and The Queens Review (formerly) Armstrong Review. Jules is at work on a novel inspired by Sunday school, Korean folklore, and David Bowie. You can find her stories at juleschungwriting.com.

Read work by Jules Chung

  • Old Friends Let Things Go

    The Magazine
    In December, Karen and her family left the murky skies of Philadelphia behind and touched down at LAX on a breathtakingly warm and sunny day.

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