One-Time Talks

On Sacredness: a generative session on redefining ‘sacred’ and writing awe and radical presence


This session will focus on expanding ideas of ‘sacredness’, and will address both how we write about what is sacred, and how we find a sense of ritual and sacredness through our writing processes.

Teaching Artist

Sarah Kaplan Gould


This session will focus on expanding ideas of ‘sacredness’, and will address both how we write about what is sacred, and how we find a sense of ritual and sacredness through our writing processes. How do we redefine ‘sacredness’ on our own terms? How do we engage with the larger project of reclaiming ‘sacredness’ from the clutches of capitalism and christian hegemony, which strip rites of passage and ritual of meaning, and muddy our collective language about divinity with oppressive power dynamics? How do we find language that grasps towards the Source-of-Creation / wider sense of ‘Us-ness’ outside the confines of the narrow Christian, male-dominated lexicon? How are we attentive to the sacred in our everyday lives in ways that subvert these power dynamics? In ways that understand sacredness as collective, as relational? In ways that allow us to oscillate between tiny sacred moments and the overwhelming awe and immensity of our interconnectedness? We will navigate these questions through conversation and text, and then delve into our own generative process that aims to wrestle with these themes.

Event Information

Date: TBD

Time: TBD

Location: TBD