beloved suruae ibiene

A. from legacies of mothering sprung beloved suruae ibiene — a mutable timeline B. beloved is a Black Third World Indigen — sister of the yam, plantain and gorgon C. beloved breaks upon shores of understanding buoyed by migranthood and storytelling — earthseed taking root D. beloved's work has taken several forms: cultural criticism, creative writing, arts education, etcetera but is most notable in friendships — to make meanings known and unknown E. beloved is sustained by anthems of prayer, lush and forgiving silence and the revel of nature — toil the blood, reap the land F. beloved’s words can be found in several publications including Plantin Mag, The Unplug Collective, Crossin’ Borders Mag, Hooligan Mag and redacted — a mouth is the safest place i know G. beloved’s craft is informed by everything the body endures, wombs, and transforms — if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? H. beloved is rooting for everybody Black — fullstop.

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