The Jungle Book: Epilogue
I’ve been lying for a long time, so let me tell you a story. / We can never go back to who we were, despite the bravado
Sometime Daughter
A partial erasure of King Lear
This is a Body • Requiem / For Victor Gutierrez
This is a body / and this body is this thing of terror—how / in this world every / woman is a survivor and every...
In the beginning, what was my name?
Confessions to My Ancestors
Confession: I don’t know my ancestors’ names. Also: my Mandarin is lousy. I have never been to our ancestral village.
Tomorrow Will be Even Brighter
The first thing you need to know about Hot Spring Leisure City is that there are no hot springs.
these things now for my companions i shall sing beautifully
what would queer visions of the family network look like?
HTML Color Swatches in Black [Girl]
"taken-Black" …girl, too umber for proper / amber alert. Black / girl, skipped right past “missing” into / “Lost: B L A C K girl”. nobody / even noticed
Instructions for a Child of an Assembly Line
You are younger than her labor for [redacted aircraft manufacturing company].
Cadet College, Kohat
Humza went to school with me in Kohat. We were always competing with each other for the first position in class.